9 Apr 2020

Affettione - Genegentheyt

The King's Speech
The Museum of Instant Images - Mr. Colori - NL
cat.nr.3795 d.d.06.04.20
Psychecolorogy nr.197 / electronic
iconography (click .txt)

Mr. Colori / C. Gijsen / E. Honders - Netherlands
contribution to: Collected 2, HHAP, Netherlands
--click picture to enlarge--


Onverschilligheid bewoont de koudste streken,
Haat en nijd zijn er haar buren, het noorden kwijt
Met geknepen ogen wordt de genegenheid
Gewantrouwd, ridicuul gemaakt, weggekeken

Hen en Hagedis waren ooit de symbolen
Van de goedwillendheid, zij werden ontluisterd,
Overreden, in martelhuizen gekluisterd;
Zie de geile, jonge mannen samenscholen!

Ik groeide op warmte van oudere vrouwen
Een moeder, grootmoeder, tantes in overvloed
Leerden: zachtmoedigen gaan het land beërven

Dood dan, kunnen zij zich in de tijd ontvouwen
Hun gevleugelde gebarentaal voedt de moed
Van hen die nu niemand alleen laten sterven

C. Gijsen



Indifference resides in climes where frost holds sway,
neighbouring hatred and malice. Their bearings lost,
they squint their eyes at warm-heartedness there. It’s crossed,
distrusted, ridiculed and coldly frowned away.

The old days. Woodcock and lizard were symbols then
of kind-heartedness, before they were tightly reined,
prevailed over and then in torture houses chained;
watch them while they gather, the hotheaded young men!

I was fed the warmth and the tales old women wove.
Mother, granny, many aunts, their smell of Cologne
taught me that the gentle shall inherit the earth.

They have left us, but time to come would show their worth:
their winged mime serves to feed and strengthen the resolve
of those who now make sure that no one dies alone.

translation: Erik Honders
