1 Nov 2013

Envy (The seven deadly Sins)

Invidia / Nijdigheyt

The Museum of Instant Images - Mr. Colori
cat.nr.2219 d.d.10.10.12
Mr. Colori / C. Gijsen / Erik Honders - Netherlands
contribution to: Visions of Bosch - Netherlands

Je was zesenvijftig en wilde je jeugd weer,
Welke heks en trollen hadden die gestolen?
Rancune dreef je over de hete kolen
Van herinnering: je eiste je terugkeer.

Zilveren meisjes, hun huid zo strak als jouw haat,
Meden je grijperige handen, verjoegen
Je blikken met weke wenkbrauwen en vroegen
Nooit, nee nooit, meer om je aandacht: je was te laat.

En de jongens: de negatie van je bestaan,
Buikspierhard bewijs van huidig onvermogen.
Je wilde bijten met stroeve stifttanden, slaan

Met krachteloze handen op een stalen wand.
Je zag de macht en de snelheid in hun ogen,
Zat grijzend tegenover hen en was niemand.
C. Gijsen


You were fifty-six, and your youth was what you lacked.
What hag or trolls had stolen it from you?
Spite put you on tenterhooks as you chewed
on remembrance. You insisted on going back.

Silver girls, their skins as tight as your tautened hate,
fled your groping hands and dispelled - how sad! -
your glances with softhearted brows. They had
stopped asking for your attention. You were too late.

The boys negated what your life was now about,
were six-pack proof of your now dwindling size.
You felt like biting with stiff false teeth, lashing out

with feeble, inefficient hands at this steel wall.
You saw the pace and power in their eyes,
grinned as you sat facing them, nobody at all.
translation: Erik Honders